"But just leaving it to the vote can feel exceptionally frustrating. That is one act on one day by one person. I consider it rather weak to just dump our societal concerns on people and then leave them to believe all they have to work with is a vote."

Thank you for acknowledging this - it pisses me off when you hear smug "well, that's what you voted for!" platitudes. No, I did NOT vote for it. But you are correct in that the change has to come from us - we have outsourced our civic duties for so long, that we have forgotten that we are the ones with the power to save ourselves.

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This has been the goal for the elitist almost since the USA was formed. It has always been a possibility as Reagan pointed out. I had not thought I'd ever see it in my lifetime, but i was wrong. The election of Obama was when things really started ramping up. Hilary was the chose child of that election, and Obama was to go after her. When he won, the elitist moved up their timeline for "Chaos" and the ruin of the USA. We can still "win", but each time they claim a "victory" it diminishes our ability to recover. I've been beating this drum since they made a scapegoat of Nixon, but most just thought I was crazy.

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