The Fake 'Joy' of the Harris/Walz Campaign is Nothing But Tragic Relief
The media has their new narrative marching orders, but the 'joy' is a just another lie
The memo has gone out to the mainstream media complex - the Harris/Walz 2024 campaign is all about JOY!
Dozens of headlines about Kamala’s “joy” but not a single syllable about her policy platforms or plans.
Thus is the state of modern American media.
For those of us on the right, the mutual masturbation society of the legacy media and the Democrat party is annoying at best, worrying at worst. It feels unfair. It feels deceptive. It feels like a ramp-up for more cheating through misinformation and disinformation - to use two of the left’s favorite words these days.
But don’t be fooled by these honeymooners, all smiles and post-coital glow. If you look into their eyes and read between their lines you’ll realize it isn’t “joy” they’re all exuding…it’s relief.
Relief Joe Biden will no longer be tripping up the stairs of Air Force One. Relief the campaign gets a reset. Relief they no longer have to make up ridiculous lies about Biden’s “mental sharpness” or “cheap fake” real-life videos of his decline. Relief their elder abuse nightmare can finally end.
They don’t actually love Kamala Harris. They barely like her. There is no actual joy in Harris’ camp, as evidenced by the constant turning over of staff in her office and the litany of reports of her abusive and erratic behavior from ex-staffers. You’ll notice that when Kamala is invited to any talk show - be it radio, podcasting or otherwise - she is almost never invited back. That is because people simply don’t enjoy her, and the low-information voters in leftwing entertainment are typically shocked to discover how unlikeable and insincere she is in real life.
No, no one is feeling real joy, even if their desperate headlines say otherwise. The prevailing emotion from the left when it comes to the Harris/Walz campaign is relief, and relief is always a temporary state.