Teacher Fired for Refusing to Give Automatic Passing Grades Now Running For School Board
Don't get mad, get even
A Georgia elementary school teacher was fired back in 2017 after she refused give unearned grades to students.
A quick recap from WSB-TV:
A former teacher in Henry County says she was fired because she complained administrators tried to force her to give students grades they didn’t earn.
Sheri Mimbs said school administrators instructed her to change grades to reflect its policy of not giving students anything less than a 60.
The former teacher at Cotton Indian Elementary School said she was shocked in 2017 when an administrator told her to change grades.
“It blew my mind. This was not something I signed up for. I’m not changing grades,” Mimbs told Jones. “It’s totally illegal. I cannot do that,” she said.
Mimbs said she was fired after speaking out about the practice. “I reported it to the people I was supposed to report this to,” she said.” And I am being fired for doing the right thing?”
Mimbs said she recorded a conversation she had with principal Lisa Travis where she explains why the grade changing is necessary. On the recording, a woman says: “We want to be able to let a child at least make some progress. It’s not about giving them a 60 just to give them a 60.”
Mimbs filed a lawsuit and won a six-figure settlement. Now she plans to run for a seat on the board of the Henry County School System.
Now after the court victory, Mimbs hopes to get a victory at the polls.
“I’m planning to run for school board,” she said.
As for the jury’s judgment, Mimbs says she is happy she stood on principle and was rewarded for it.
“Nobody can make me believe just giving out grades is helping any student,” she said.
When I was running for school board, I was subjected to all manner of intimidation from the other side (the unions). I was followed, had the police called to innocuous campaign events, and was the target of lies and whisper campaigns.
In a school board race.
One would think such a small public position, one that average citizens consider a “lesser” office, wouldn’t be plagued by political intrigue and intimidation. In fact, it is the opposite. That is because education is powerful process. Controlling what our children learn and how they socialize is a direct path to controlling how they will eventually vote, and progressives understand this. It is no accident most of the students in the United States perform below standards and yet spend hours each day focusing on issues of sexuality and social causes. The progressives who control the public education industry understand they are educating their future voters.
School boards are also powerful financial institutions. They control millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars - money that can be awarded to contractors, third-party educators and other community entities. With money comes power. With education comes power.
School boards are power brokers.
This is why progressive ideologists engage in such underhanded election tactics. The goal is intimidation.
The goal of my union trackers and those who spread lies about me was to intimidate me, but also to discourage other pro-parent candidates from running in the future. Discouragement is an effective strategy.
Mimbs was fired not only for defying her administrators, but as an example. It was a public display of discouragement, one to serve as a warning for others who may have similar ideas.
If you oppose our ideology, you will be punished.
That strategy was worked for a long time. The only way to win against dark forces that would separate us from our sanity and our children is to press in, press forward. It feels counterintuitive, but sometimes when you’re losing it is a sign to double down.
It’s time to double down.
That is exactly what Mimbs is doing, and more Americans need to follow her example. It is vital she (and others like her) prove that retaliation will not make her or her ideas disappear. They can kill our jobs and strangle our personal lives, but they cannot kill our ideas. They cannot kill the truth.
We must consistently remind the public of our presence, and consistently be a thorn in the side of those who would rather see the truth vanquished.
Press in.
Exactly! This is why I have continued to support people like Star Parker. I don't always agree with her (but then I don't always agree with anyone, you come closest though) but she was going into schools, especially ones with a large black population taking about being conservative. I've called her brave as she continued in spite of having her life threatened more than once, by the students. Now C.U.R.E. is national and she keeps plugging away through all the criticism. You do the same with your writing, interviews, running for office (before he passed at 93 you were the last person my Dad voted for), etc. Keep fighting!