Back in February a Canadian man who identifies as a transgender woman stepped forward to claim he had successfully breastfed his infant with the help of experimental lactation medication.
I want to talk about how it is time for sane, sober-minded people - whom I believe to be the majority in western culture - to stop pretending they don’t notice the lunacy around them being sold as normalcy. I want to use this story as an example of how we are being coerced into disregarding our most basic instincts and fear responses and how that is making us more vulnerable to crime and tragedy. But first, let’s lay out a bit more of this story, because if you happen to be a normal person who thinks injecting manufactured chemical into a man’s body so he can attach a feeding infant to his nipple is crazy, just wait until you hear the details.
An HIV+ trans-identified male in Canada who claims he breastfeeds his child has sparked outrage after sharing photos of himself at a lactation clinic with the baby. Margaret (Margie) Fancypants, formerly known as Murray Pearson, began identifying as a woman in December of 2022 and has been dosing himself with progesterone rectally.
According to the pro-woman news outlet Reduxx, images were posted three months ago on the subreddit r/TransLater for men who transitioned at an older age. In the post titled “Milk, baby, milk!” 52-year-old Pearson shared a series of photos expressing his excitement about being able to breastfeed his infant.
“It turns out that one indisputable benefit of being transfemme [is] that you can be pregnant and get drunk with no undue problems. Malt is spectacular for lactation, so for transfemme moms, a beer is actually beneficial,” begins the post.
“I have a baby almost 9 months old. This baby is staggeringly meaningful, because their presence in my life is astoundingly unlikely, yet there they are and they are perfect, and I cannot wait to connect through feeding,” continues Pearson, adding that he will stop drinking before he “breastfeeds” so as not to harm the baby.
Below is a picture of the man used in the article. It was taken from his social media posts. As you look at it, I want you to try to resist the urge to contextualize. Observe your instinctual reaction.
Think about the picture of the man on the left. Now think about the picture of that same man on the right. Now think about that man with a baby sucking at his nipple.
What is your visceral reaction?
If it’s anything like mine, it was repulsion and concern. We humans are complicated and finely tuned creatures. We have all sorts of alarms and warning systems designed to help us survive by identifying threats and danger. The unforgivable scourge of the modern gender identity movement is the concerted effort to train us to ignore our personal warning systems in the name of “tolerance.”
The sight of a man allowing an infant to suck at his nipple is a red flag moment. It doesn’t fit with the patterns of humanity we all know and live by. We might not be able to verbalize why we find the image disturbing, but we know it’s not right. It signals some type of perversion of the natural order, be it sexual or otherwise. We know a normal, healthy, productive, grown man has no good reason to want an infant attached to his nipple. Even with the idea of cross-sex, chemically induced lactation (we’ll get to that in a moment), there simply is no reason for it. An infant can receive mother’s milk from milk banks and lactating women or time-tested, medically accepted formula. If an infant is “breastfeeding” from a male, it is an act based solely in the desires of the male, not the needs of the infant.
When that same man is wearing a wig and lipstick, the repulsion raises to a fear level. Our instincts, if they are working properly, tell us this is a perversion upon a perversion. It simply isn’t right, and most mothers would balk at handing their infant over to such a man in order for that infant to suck chemically induced “milk” out of a man’s chest.
Then there’s the issue of feeding a child chemicals so an adult can feel more like someone they are not. Again, we are being asked to bend reason and instinct to pretend that we’re against kids being poisoned by fast food and unhealthy snack products but perfectly fine with them ingesting experimental, unnatural chemicals delivered through an unnatural host.
Does anyone remember Michelle Obama’s horribly “healthy lunch” program? We’re still suffering under it in states like California. I can remember the day the lunch program at school changed. What used to be a fairly robust and diverse lunch program is now a sad collection of “health smart” portions that barely resemble food. As a result, tens of thousands of public school students have dropped out of the lunch program, even those getting “free” lunches. It is common for these lunches to be thrown away in their entirety at the end of every day.
But we had to have the program. Mrs. Obama assured us our children were in danger from terrible eating habits (she wasn’t wrong about that) and her supporters in government and among the voters agreed. She was hailed as health warrior, a champion for healthier eating and a sustainable diet. The emphasis? Natural eating is better eating (although I’ve seen these lunches with my own eyes and they barely qualify as natural).
We chastise pregnant mothers for abusing drugs, drinking alcohol, even for eating fish or consuming caffeine. We don’t want the chemicals present in those things being delivered directly to a baby in the womb. We know their developing systems are delicate and need to be protected.
Suddenly none of that matters when there’s a man who wants to cosplay as a nursing mother.
In the U.K. and Canada (where this story takes place), there are speech laws that prohibit people from obeying their natural instincts about men like this. In slightly freer places like the U.S., speaking up against these types of red flags can put one at the mercy of cancel culture. It could cost a suspension of social media accounts and even discipline at work. The consequences for a majority are dealt by a sour, vocal minority.
So, we train ourselves- or rather, they have trained us - to look away, smile, cheer, clap…how brave! How stunning! What a pioneer!
I do not believe for one moment that most people look at this story and those pictures and think it is good for anyone. I would bet my entire imaginary savings account that most people look at this story and feel concern for the baby and repulsion for the man. That is a natural and necessary survival reaction.
We are having our internal warning systems systematically bled from our bones. In another context we would call that “grooming.”
It’s an old cliche, but a true one - being open minded is good, but don’t leave your mind so open that your brains fall out.
A red flag is an emotional stop sign. It should halt us in our tracks, heighten our awareness and spur action. It is time for the adults in the room to spur to action. The survival of sanity requires us to stand still and say NO. This is enough.
Stop clapping. Stop cheering. Stop rationalizing the irrational. Stop shrugging and saying, “to each his own.” Stop trying to reason with the unreasonable. There is no reasoning with this type of depravity. Sometimes the only appropriate response is NO.
No, this is not acceptable. No, this is not the natural expression of an individual’s identity. No. This is a selfish and medically harmful perversion that is almost certainly also a sexual fetish.
The picture on the left has a whole story behind it, right? Maybe he was getting off work that moment, it was hot, he was dirty, tired…his physical appearance could have all kinds of fair reasons for being as it is. Even still, as a mother, not knowing anything more about that man, I would not be comfortable seeing him raise an infant to his naked chest to “feed.” That instinct only intensifies once that regular-looking guy puts on a wig and lipstick and does the same thing.
That’s a normal reaction. We cannot allow the mentally ill among us to force us to ignore our normal instincts. That is dangerous for ourselves, our society, and especially our children.
The answer to this new push into chemically manipulating men’s bodies to perform certain female functions is not, “YAS QUEEN! Taste the rainbow!”
The answer is NO. This is not okay. This is not normal. This is not healthy. This is not safe. This is perversion of the highest order.
Say it with me…practice it every day. You’re going to need to get good at this.
I felt physically ill when I looked at the photos. Not exaggerating. I felt nauseous.
I used to think surrogacy was a wonderful and selfless act. Now I find myself wondering how anyone could carry a child and give it to someone like this. There is no money in the world that could convince me to do it. And maybe I’m in a “privileged” position to be able to say that but I just can’t imagine handing over an innocent life to him. He’s an AGP plain and simple. He gets off on wearing women’s clothes and letting that baby suck on his nipple. Nobody can convince me otherwise.
A powerful read.