I got the big idea to test out a live stream on my Rumble channel today. Everything seemed great in the setup…then at stream time it all fell apart. It was a me problem, not a technology problem but I didn’t have time to fix it before the stream so I cancelled it. Sorry to those who were anticipating it. I’m out of town next week and I’ll try again after that. I did record the episode and upload it. I promised to finally give my thoughts on the Daily Wire/Candace Owens drama and I know some of you are waiting anxiously for that. Click this link to navigate to the channel. It will also be uploaded as an audio podcast today. I’M SORRY! I’m also almost 50 and do all my own social media, which should explain a lot to you.
And I’m back filling in for Stacy Washington tonight on SiriusXM The Patriot, channel 125. Last night I learned that the Iranian-backed Houthis have shut down the Red Sea - which I did know - but I did not understand that the action means shipping containers full of goods for American consumers are now costing an extra 50% as shippers have to reroute around the Red Sea. What happens abroad always lands right on our dinner tables.
What will I learn tonight? We’ve got a great guest line-up so there’s bound to be something:
Tony Kinnett of the Daily Signal on a Flagstaff school district’s combative treatment of parents concerned about gender identity curriculum.
Jillian Jacobsen, law student and commentator, on the issue of squatter’s rights and the danger it is posing to American property owners.
Nicholas Giordano, professor and a fellow with Campus Reform, on new proposed increases in DEI programs by the Biden administration.
It promises to be another informative show. I hope to see you…or rather, that you hear me…tonight!